Upcoming Events

We're very excited to share that volunteer applications are open for camp this summer! Camp will be from July 15th-19th, with a final showcase on July 20th, at the Gayle Karch Cook Center. We're looking for instrument instructors, workshop leaders, photographers, roadies, kid wranglers, band coaches- and more! Many of the positions do not require musical experience, so don't let that stop you if you're interested in getting involved. All identities are welcome.

Apply here:


Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions at girlsrockbloomington@gmail.com.

Rock on!

...Volunteer Testimonials:

"The environment of Girls Rock Bloomington--where kids can let their unique lights shine and volunteers truly care about fostering an inclusive and supportive creative culture--gives me so much hope for the future. And it's so unbelievably fun to watch the kids' creative process and see what they come up with. I've been around music and activism for over 20 years, and GRB is one of the most fun and life-affirming things I've ever been involved with." 

“I volunteer with Girls Rock Bloomington because I strongly believe in uplifting and empowering young folks in music. Girls Rock Bloomington gives girls, trans and non-binary youth a chance to express themselves through music in a safe and collaborative environment. Seeing the campers come into their own over the course of camp makes me so happy and encourages me to return year after year.” 

“The kids of Girls Rock Bloomington know a thing or two about celebrating authenticity and togetherness. I'm grateful for the chance to empower them through audio technology workshops, but the best part by far is witnessing them empower one another.” 

"Last summer I volunteered with GRB's camp as a kid wrangler. Though I have no musical experience or expertise I still felt included and incredibly valued for what help and skills I could bring to each session! I deeply enjoyed learning about music with the campers and working alongside them as they built on their creative skills and strengths! I returned to Bloomington after some years away and I was looking for a way to connect with my community. I knew I wanted to start volunteering again and feel as if I was making a positive impact. I was drawn to GRB because I connected with their mission of serving our communities girls, trans, and nonbinary youth and I stuck around for amazing welcoming staff, well-crafted workshops, and the enthusiastic campers!”

** Camp is currently full. You can still fill out our registration form to join the waitlist. Thanks for your interest in GRB! **

Registration for our 2024 summer camp (for ages 8-14) is OPEN!

Register for camp here: (Spots fill up quickly so make sure to reserve your spot soon)


Girls Rock Bloomington is a five day camp for girls, trans and non-binary youth ages 8-14 that will take place the week of July 15th-19th 2024 at The Cook Center (750 E Kirkwood Avenue.) After a week of preparation in music lessons, workshops, Q&A's with professionals and forming bands of 3-5 members- campers will apply their newly developed skills by performing original pieces during a final concert on Saturday July 20th at The Cook Center. All instruments, amplification and basic gear will be provided at camp. Camp sessions will be held from 9am-4pm on Monday July 15th-Friday July 19th.  We will meet on Saturday July 20th at 4 pm for soundcheck, followed by the final showcase performance at 7 pm. 

We're also opening registration for our new AMPS program!

Register for AMPS here:


We’re thrilled to be adding a new youth program to camp this year for ages 15-17! AMPS (Adolescent Music Program Support) is a counselor-in-training program in which the participants will have the opportunity to form a band and perform their own original music at our final showcase on July 20th- as well as form mentor relationships with the younger campers!


Past Events